Blackberry jam

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Makes 8


Enjoy delicious blackberry jam from this beloved summer fruit, perfect for topping pancakes or spreading on a classic white bloomer.

Our blackberry jam recipe is super easy to follow and truly tasty. Whether you forage for your own blackberries or pick up a punnet from your local supermarket, it’s a tasty topping for toast or can be slathered between slices of cake.

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What you'll need...

  • 1.8kg blackberries
  • 1 1/2kg jam sugar, with pectin
  • Juice of 1 lemon, and the pips
  • Knob of butter, optional


  1. The night before you make your jam, layer the blackberries and sugar together in a large mixing bowl. Cover and set aside at room temperature. By doing this, the sugar starts dissolving, reducing the risk of over-cooking the fruit when making the jam. When it’s morning, stir the mixture before setting aside until you start cooking. 

  2. Before you start making the jam, place a small plate in the freezer (this will be used when testing the jam’s consistency later on). Tip the berries into a preserving pan, making sure to scrape out all the undissolved sugar and juices. Stir in the lemon juice and then secure the lemon pips in a piece of muslin before adding to the mixture. Cooking with the pips adds extra pectin, helping your jam set.  

  3. Cook the blackberries over a low heat until all the sugar is dissolved, then bring to a boil and simmer for 5 minutes. Take the small plate out from the freezer and spoon on a tiny bit of the jam. Allow it to cool before gently pushing the substance with your finger – if it wrinkles, it’s ready and has reached setting point. If it’s too runny, return the pan to the heat and boil for another 3 minutes before checking again. 

  1. Skim off any excess scum that may be on the top. You can always add a knob of butter and stir it in, however, if you want to keep the jam vegan, we recommend skipping this additional step. Remove the bag of lemon pips. 

  2. Allow the jam to cook for 15 minutes before ladling into sterilised jars (sterilise them by washing them in a dishwasher). Store the blackberry jam in a cool, dark place – it'll keep for at least 6 months. Once opened, store in the fridge. 

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